Value of reversing wheels on Farmall 400?


Well-known Member
I'm new to the forum and this is my first owned tractor, so please forgive me for being a sprout. I bought a wide-front 1954 Farmall 400 this spring. Most of our land is sidehill, and I wanted something for pulling locust trees 8 inch diameter and smaller that are taking over. Eventually I hope to clear enough land to do something with it. Here are my questions: Do I pick up more stability by re-reversing the wheels? They're concave side pointing inward now. How much wider will the wheelbase be after the switch? Seems like wider would be better with all the sloped land. Will I be putting extra stress on the axles by doing this? I ask that because the tires are filled, and they also have weights. All I'll be doing for the coming few years is pulling trees (downhill). I've been enjoying the forum, and I tried to research these questions before asking. I won't be attempting this work myself, but before having it done I want to get the forum's advice. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the site.

I believe if they were farthest out (reversed) would be better and I don't think it would hurt anything.

Correct, weights outside.

This is "Out"


And this is "In"


Putting the wheels as wide as practical will increase the stability and will not stress the axles.

Pulling trees? Your tractor will pull small trees, but remember to hitch ONLY to the drawbar, and keep that Fast-hitch (if you have one) fairly low. Do not put yourself in the position of having to check your reaction time for getting to the clutch if the front end of the tractor comes up!
Plus, your 400 will look like it"s supposed to with the wheels "out". I think the "in" position looks moronic. Or, that the dealer was too lazy to change them to the "right" or "out" way when they came off the train...Cmore
Now not tryen to be a smart arrs here BUT pulling trees with a wheel tractor is not the pice of equipment for that job and many guys have been hurt doing it .
I hope you mean that you are cutting the trees even with the ground and then pulling them where you plan. Pulling an 8 inch tree out by the roots is not to wise. A bulldozer would work better.
Switch them around yourself. You are wasting your money sending it to somebody. Insert about a million comments on how heavy the wheels are w fluid and how dangerous they can be. DONT BE STUPID If something goes bad run away! You CAN NOT stop a tire if it is falling, but the skid loader sure can pick it up again...
in the manual it show both in and out as correct. it all depends on what your situation is. out will make it less likely to tip. but remeber super c mike that you can turn all the tires in or out to change the overall width of your tires to fit diffrent row spacing.

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