OT: Roundup Ready sweet corn

This is another 10 year old thread, bumped by someone directed here from a google search, and asking a question that has nothing to do with the topic.
I have family that farms upwards of 2000 acres of corn and soybeans in Iowa. We've been eating GMO RR corn since it came out. Fed it to the hogs,chickens and cattle that went into the freezer. I'm in my 50's and have relatives well into their 70's,80's, and my Grandmother is 96.

No health issues that can be attributed the what we eat. OK, we DO have some obesity problems. But when you have such good fresh food to eat its hard not to over eat.

I suspect that if GMO RR was an issue we'd have seen some facts.
I hope you don't plan on eating it.
I don't like using chemicals in my garden too.
I'm not a fan of using wood treated with chemicals to make raised garden beds too.
I heard that some men will irrigate their tomatoes to give them a better flavor. Not me.
Have to ask Larry if he does, lol
Each to their own.
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I don't care on the roundup issue. But if it is so bad and it is the only one then what about all the problems from Insecticides like Off, and such you will spray directly on your skin and think it is fine. Yet is probably worse for you than the roundup on the corn. Besides the plants are barely a foot tall when most chemicals are sprayed on it like atrazine round up and some of the others. And what a bout the wormers used on cattle where I was told by an old cattle raiser in NE one time who had cancer and was being treated for it. That if you used this wormer you wound up with one cancer and if you had used this other wormer you tended to get this other cancer being the different wormer caused a different cancer that the other one. True or not I don't know and am not going to quit eating beef just because a wormer was poured on some cattles back . I guess it is the risk you take in life whether it is a chemical or something else. And yes look at the fauci flu shots they will not know the true effects of that for another 30 or so year either.
I had a buddy tell me the people that plant it around him don't have trouble with raccoons eating it I don't know what to think of gmo but it the coons won't touch it it makes you wonder
Same with the bugs like said above. Sure does taste good though
William, hopefully you are lucky, but you are definitely unwilling to listen to reality, GMO's are killing people, why else would Europe and now even China be willing to ban them and not allow imports???? Wake up, putting toxins directly on live plants that absorb it, then you eat the fruit willingly??? May as well go grab a scorpion in the desert as their toxin must not be fatal either right?
I don’t know i think they would be better off if their wet market had some sweet corn but that’s just me. I’d need some butter to go with my bat and raccoon
This is another 10 year old thread, bumped by someone directed here from a google search, and asking a question that has nothing to do with the topic.
Recent history here has shown that when the few interested people get tired of a thread it will fall off of page 1. By the way the OP mentioned planting Obsession sweet corn and the bumper was looking for plates to plant the same variety. Seems logical to seek an information source where the product in question has been previously discussed. Can't imagine too many sites out there to get that kind of information.
Sorry, this was meant as a reply to MJMJ. Unless it really matters I will leave my post right here.
I would like to plant some of this for the garden this year (Monsanto's Obsession II looks good), but cannot find anyone locally that handles it. Some of the seed suppliers have it, but it is in 25# bags, and that makes it prohibitively expensive for a family-sized garden. Does anyone know where I can but just a few pounds of it? Any help is appreciated!

If GMO's are a problem then don't eat any more seedless watermelons
Genetically modified plants have been around since the time of Gregor Mendel, and probably earlier when it was just farmers selectively picking seeds from the best plants every year.

It’s just that now they speed up the process - - a lot.

Kind of the same as ‘if God had meant us to fly, he would have given us wings’, but he gave us the ability to make our own.
I would like to plant some of this for the garden this year (Monsanto's Obsession II looks good), but cannot find anyone locally that handles it. Some of the seed suppliers have it, but it is in 25# bags, and that makes it prohibitively expensive for a family-sized garden. Does anyone know where I can but just a few pounds of it? Any help is appreciated!

Check with your DeKalb dealer. Mine will give me a bag with about three hands full of seed free. Of course, I buy $8,000.00 worth of field corn from him.
Unless you are eating sweet corn that still produces the ear at the top of the stalk where the tassels are now you are eating GMO corn.

Plants even GMO on there own to adapt to survive.

That gene to make RR resistant plants came from another plant that was naturally resistant to Roundup.

Sorry, but GMO and hybridization are two different things. When you cross two or more varieties of corn (or tomatoes or anything else), you get a hybrid. When you splice in genetic material from fish, lizards, or goats, that is GMO. So, until I see a fish, goat, or lizard mating with a cornstalk, I will consider GMO to NOT be a hybrid, and Genetically ENGINEERED ORGANISM.

You are all entitled to your opinions, and I to mine, but when outfits like Monsanto start playing with the very DNA of a plant, I want to wait and see if there may be ill effects from long term use.

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