IH 1086, the fuel will leak off if it sets a couple days making it hard to start. What do I need to do to fix it. Thanks.


IH 1086, the fuel will leak off if it sets for a couple days making it hard to start. What do I need to do to fix it. Thanks.
Does it help if the tank is kept full? And is the hand throttle set at least 1/3 above idle before starting attempt? The Ambac M100 pump NEEDS the throttle opened a bit EVERY time engine is to be started, NEVER try starting with throttle at low idle position, hot or cold.
Does it help if the tank is kept full? And is the hand throttle set at least 1/3 above idle before starting attempt? The Ambac M100 pump NEEDS the throttle opened a bit EVERY time engine is to be started, NEVER try starting with throttle at low idle position, hot or cold.
I don't think it matters how much fuel is in the tank, it's full now. The only way I can start it is to put shot of ether in and open throttle wide open. Usually about the time you think it's not going to start it will fire up, it runs great. If I start it every day it does ok.
I don't think it matters how much fuel is in the tank, it's full now. The only way I can start it is to put shot of ether in and open throttle wide open. Usually about the time you think it's not going to start it will fire up, it runs great. If I start it every day it does ok.
How does engine start after four/five hours use when hot after shut off for ten minutes?
There could be a air leak in a hose from filter to pump or other position letting it leak air in the system over a couple days or a gasket on a filter pin hole in line above fuel level . Though I would doubt the pin hole, unless it has rubbed a hole. Could also be a gasket or line seal on the pump doing this.

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