275 lift arm and remote valve controls?


Newish to me 275, and my first Massey so the controls are new to me. I've read the manual and I don't think the controls for the 3 point and remote hydraulic valve is working how it's supposed to.

When I got the tractor they had a line looped on the remote valve as shown in the picture below. Today I decided to put 2 lines on and some couplers to see if I could run a bale wrapper with it.

So I'll start with the 3 point arms. The only way I can get this tractor to lift the wrapper is to put the lift control into "transport" and then I have to move the draft control past UP to get it to raise. If the lift control is any further down than transport it won't budge at all.

The remote valve did work but the only way I can get it to work is to put the lift control at transport or higher and then I had to move the draft lever past UP. As a matter of fact I actually ended up using the draft lever to control the flow to the implement. Putting it into constant pump made no difference.

On the remote valve I believe straight up is the neutral position. To get it to work I pulled it backwards. I could only get the wrapper to spin one direction, pushing the lever forward did not make it spin the other direction.

So is this how it's supposed to work, is something messed up or is this user error?


You are using the scotch yoke pump to do all your hydraulic work, The pump is inlet controlled. So the postion control lever must be in Constant Pump to use a hydraulic outlet. The valve installed on the cover diects oil to the auxillaries or the three point. DO NOT leave the valve in the three point position AND constant pumping the hitch will raise to full height and the relief valve will blow, overheating the oil in the rear end and you will probably think the gears are trying to come out thru the case

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