International Farmall

International Farmall Tractor Serial Numbers

Model I-B275 Diesel

1958 ......................501
1959 ......................633
1960 ....................12161
1961 ....................29468
1962 ....................39540
1963 ....................43120
1964 ....................46418
1965 ....................48977
1966 ....................51040
1967 ....................52933
1968 ....................54712

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-B275 Gas

1951 ......................501
1962 .....................1007
1963 .....................1111

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-B414 Diesel

1961 ......................501
1962 .....................2575
1963 ....................14838
1964 ....................29647
1965 ....................42135
1966 ....................51664

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-B414 Gas

1962 ......................501
1963 .....................2159
1964 .....................3995
1965 .....................5699
1966 .....................6345

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-B450

1958 ......................501
1959 ......................981
1960 .....................3262
1961 .....................6202
1962 .....................9307
1963 ....................12428
1964 ....................15734
1965 ....................18325
1966 ....................21280
1967 ....................23795
1968 ....................25488
1969 ....................26846
1970 ....................27953

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model F-B450

1959 ......................501
1960 ......................657
1961 .....................1980
1962 .....................3047
1963 .....................5638
1964 .....................6919
1965 .....................8042
1966 .....................9696
1967 ....................10380
1968 ....................10764
1969 ....................11027
1970 ....................11162

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-130 and F-130

1956 ......................501
1957 .....................1120
1958 .....................8363

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-140 and F-140

1958 ......................501
1959 .....................2011
1960 .....................8082
1961 ....................11168
1962 ....................16637
1963 ....................21181
1964 ....................25387
1965 ....................28408
1966 ....................31285
1967 ....................34818
1968 ....................37352
1969 ....................39906
1970 ....................42300
1971 ....................44424
1972 ....................46605
1973 ....................48507
1974 ....................50720
1975 ....................54273

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-966 and F-966

1971 .....................7101
1972 ....................11815
1973 ....................17794
1974 ....................22526
1975 ....................28119

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-1066 and F-1066

1971 .....................7101
1972 ....................12677
1973 ....................24205
1974 ....................34849
1975 ...................46855

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-1466 and f-1466

1971 .....................7101
1972 ....................10408
1973 ....................15533
1974 ....................19746
1975 ....................25404

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-1466 and F-1466

1971 .....................7101
1972 ....................10408
1973 ....................15533
1974 ....................19746
1975 ....................25404

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-468 and F-468

1971 .....................7201
1972 ....................10408
1973 .....................9109
1974 .....................9670

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-1566 and F-1566

1974 .....................7101
1975 .....................7837

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model I-1568 and F-1568

1974 .....................7201
1975 .....................7821

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model 10-20 Gear Drive - KC

1923 ......................501
1924 .....................7641
1925 ....................18869
1926 ....................37728
1927 ....................62824
1928 ....................89470
1929 ...................119823
1930 ...................159111
1931 ...................191486
1932 ...................201213
1934 ...................204239
1935 ...................206179
1936 ...................207275
1937 ...................210235
1938 ...................212425
1939 ...................214886

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model 10-20 Gear Drive - NC and NT

1926 ......................501
1927 ......................649
1928 ......................832
1929 .....................1155
1930 .....................1543
1931 .....................1750
1932 .....................1833
1933 .....................1912
1934 .....................1952

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model Cub

1947 ......................501
1948 ....................11348
1949 ....................57831
1950 ....................99536
1951 ...................121454
1952 ...................144455
1953 ...................162284
1954 ...................179412
1955 ...................186441
1956 ...................193658
1957 ...................198231
1958 ...................204389
1959 ...................211441
1960 ...................214974
1961 ...................217382
1962 ...................220038
1963 ...................221383
1964 ...................223453
1965 ...................225110
1966 ...................227209
1967 ...................229225
1968 ...................231005
1969 ...................232981
1970 ...................234868
1971 ...................236827
1972 ...................238506
1973 ...................240581
1974 ...................242746
1975 ...................245651

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

Model Cub Cadet

1961 ......................501
1962 ....................23675
1963 ....................49846
1964 ....................73875
1965 ...................104307
1966 ...................137051
1967 ...................180268
1968 ...................225056
1969 ...................280840
1970 ...................322858
1971 ...................373301
1972 ...................417643
1973 ...................457305
1974 ...................495749
1975 ...................536073

SN Location: on the left side of the clutch or transmission housing.

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